Thursday, February 25, 2010

cloudy victories

i love socks...........
mathilde frachon by davis bellemere in marie claire march 10.
images: fashioncopious

Thursday, February 18, 2010

dear king

one of the savviest directors ive ever damn well seen. king vidor an acclaimed director and producer of the silent era and well into the 60s n 70s.... why cant i find a man like this?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Pop Magazine, S/S 2010 Devon Aoki by Sean & Seng
Devon is seriously one of my most favorite.....small and adorable. A friend of mine actually knows her very well and says she's literally the most adorable little thing ever. I must intervene this friendship they have...... how awesome are these outfits by the way!?

God save McQueen!

A wonderful soul left our earthly existence today and to one great life that will never be forgotten. Heaps of love towards his mother and himself and the rest of their families. Long live the treasures produced from this magnificent man and the beauty hes entitled to the world of fashion and beyond. Alexander McQueen in our hearts and closets forever!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

bare knuckled bucket of don'ts

tallulah....morton. hell yawh

Saturday, February 6, 2010

the chrome age

Thanks to ye ole Carole Anne and Rebel I now know the correct term for this wonderful architectureal movement....streamline moderne. Can't wait to move into the my new place! Everthing inside looks like this already.................. sick, right?

that bikes a babe.. I couldn't help not throwin' her in......


Sometimes in life..........
it's the little things that fuel my fire or somethin'


Not much to do but drool. This shit is really, how you say... fucking cool. The color palette for this collection is awesome, soft colors and pointy edges.Miu Miu allllllllllllllways has out-of-this-world kinda shoes, Iaaa liiikeaaaa!

Monday, February 1, 2010


Ok, so I've watched this movie 3 times in the last couple weeks. It's seriously just so sick. I'm being Leeloo for Hallows '10, I've always wanted to be her but it never pulled through and this year it WILL happen! No, not the skimpy scotch-tape outfit but the only other one she wears (see bottom pic) throughout the action packed film of sensual greatness....AND did I mention how ridiculously hot Bruce is in this. The orange looks good.....
I wish me n Milla Jovovich were friends. I love her more than Korben Dallas does...."she's perfect"......